Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fitting The Lord of the Rings into The Hero's Journey stages (contd)

5. Hero encounter test and more helpers/The road of trials. Series of tests, tasks or ordeals that the hero must undergo to begin the transformation.

Frodo and company are forced to travel through the Mines of Moria, and were attached by Orcs (monster). Gandalf defends the Fellowship from a Balrog (monster) and both the creature and himself fall into a deep chasm, allowing the others to escape.

6. Hero meets with the Goddess

(but int Frodo case he did not fallen in love with Lady Galadriel but instead she gave him a magical amulet)
Now, Aragorn led the Fellowship, take refuge in the Elven forest of Lothlorien where they meet the Lady Galadriel (helper) who discuss the Quest with Frodo. She gave the Fellowship boats and gifts, and then they travel down the great River Anduin to the hill of Amon Hen. There Boromir (who is supposed to be helper but lure by the Ring) attempts to take it from Frodo, this made him decided to breaks from the Fellowship to continue the trek to Mordor accompanied only by Sam, who insists on coming to assist and protect him.

7. More battle – more test – the hero encounters tests and helpers:

i. The Dark Lord of Sauron sent the Orcs (monster) and his ally Saruman (sorcerers) to attack, and managed to killed Boromin and kidnaped Merry and Pippin. Aragorn, Gimli(helper) and Legolas (helper) pursue the orcs into the kingdom of Rohan. Merry and Pippin escape when the orcs are slain by the Rohirrim. In the Fangorn forest the befriend the tree-like Ents (helper - nature), led by Treebeard. Here, Gandalf resurrected after his battle with Balrog (monster) and is now more powerful "Gandalf the White).... more war....more helpers.

ii. Gandalf rides off to gather more soldiers with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli travel with Theoden, King of Rohan and his nephew Eomer. After a night of siege at Helm’s Deep, Gandalf arrives with the Lord Erkenbrand and reinforcements. Then the Rohirrim mount a final charge and drive the orcs into a forest of Huorns raised by the Ents, where they are never seen again.

iii. Meanwhile, the Ents destroy Saruman’s remaining forces in Isengard. Gandalf, theoden and the others arrive at Isengard to confront Saruman. Sanuman refuses to see the error of his ways, however Gandalf strips him of his rank and most of his powers and the Ents imprison him within his tower at Orthanc.

8. The Hero reaches the innermost cave

Frodo and Sam capture Gollum, who has been following them since their journey through Moria and force him to guide them to Mordo. They travel a long and hard road as Frodo begins to weaken under the Ring’s power, briefly hindered and then aided by Boromir’s brother Faramir. Gollum betrays Frodo by leading him to the great spider Shelob in the tunnels of Cirith Ungol. Frodo is left unconscious by Shelob’s bite, but Sam fights her off using Frodo’s sword Sting and the vial of light from Earendil’s star – one of the Lady Galadriel’s gifts. Sam believing Frodo dead takes the Ring, and forces himself to leave Frodo, until he overhears orcs who find Frodo’s body and reveal unknowingly to Sam that Frodo is not in fact dead, but unconscious. Frodo is carried to the tower of Cirith Ungol by orcs.

9. The Final Battle – the hero endures the supreme ordeal.

The Dark Lord Sauron begins his military assault upon Gondor, with the Witch-king of Angmar, greatest of the nine Ringwraiths, commanding Sauron’s armies in the battle. Together with Legolas, Gimli, Dunedain and sons of Elrond, Aragorn take the Paths of the Dead where Aragorn raises an undead army of oath-breakers. These help him to defeat the armies of the Corsairs of Umbar in southern Gondor, enabling the region’s forces to sail to aid of Minas Tirith in it Siege.
With the timely aid of Rohan’s cavalry and Aragorn’s reinforcement a significant portion of Sauron’s army is defeated at the Battle of the Plennor Fields. King Theoden dies in the battle, but the Lord of the Nazgul, the Witch-king of Angmar, is slain by Eowyn and Merry, though both are wounded.

10. The Ultimate Boon - The Hero endures the supreme ordeal.

Sam rescues Frodo from captivity, and they make their way through Mordor. Frodo weakens as the weight of the Ring increases, but is aided and sometimes physically carried by Sam as they reach the Mount Doom. Meanwhile, in the climactic battle at the Black Gate of Mordor, the vastly outnumbered alliance of Gondor and Rohan fight desperately against Sauron’s armies, with the intent of diverting Sauron’s attention away from the Mount Doom, which Frodo must reach in order to destroy the Ring.
At the edge of the Cracks of Doom, Frodo is unable to resist the power of the Ring and claims it for himself. But at that moment, Gollum reappears, struggles with Frodo for the Rind and bites of Frodo’s finger, Ring and all, but in doing so he falls into the fire, taking the Ring with him. The Ring is thus unmade. In that instant of its destruction, Sauron perishes, his armies retreat, the Dark Tower crumbles into dust, the Ringwraiths disintegrate and the War of the Ring seemingly ends.

(to be continued - Return in the next post)

1 comment:

  1. It will be interesting to see how we may map the hero's journey or monomyths into the events of our lives, the critical events, crises, developmental and situational challenges we have encountered and yet to encounter. The cyclical series of such a process offering us a more positive personal framework of a heroes quests, which provide us with a sense of meaning and deep connections as we seek to understand the quest and the 'boon' that may gain from such quests....instead of being a victim of circumstances thrown onto us. This has got therapeutic implications when working with clients.
