Monday, June 21, 2010

2nd Online Group Supervision Session : 2 June

Reflection On 2nd Online Group Supervision (Part 2)

At one point, I gave an example of asking my client: “If you are a policeman, are you powerful, what is your special power?”
Alex said that I should not have asked a closed question, and do not put words or ideas to client, it will be better for him to come about by himself.
When coming to question and answer, do not interrogate, the things that we do is enough to provide the structure for a richer role playing experience and give us thought on how do we prepare to enter from ordinary reality into dramatic reality, and once the person enter that is all action, dialog and action and we do not need to interrogate all.

During a session with the client, while working with them in the playroom doing anything, and it came to us that if we saw the potential or if the child indicate that he/she is ready to go into the action matter of role playing, how do we help him/her to move from the transition of ordinate reality into the dramatic reality. How do we help him/her to move from one to the other taking into account to create a clear boundary to distinguish between ordinary and dramatic reality, using the repetitive name of the character, so as the child do not confuse of – are we asking him as the person in character or are we asking the character.
Using the interviewing technique, at 1st you are starting into scene setting – where, who, what – questions like –
• Can you use thing to show me,
• could you show me,
• when would I carry eg. My weapon,
• how could I stand,
• where would I carry my weapon,
• could you feed me with the details,
• show me how I can imitate you,

From here then, you are into improvisation, starting role playing (keep an eye and observation of any emerging themes). If using war game miniature of soldier and tanks, if there is one person that stands out in the play, then we know that it is starting to develop characterisation, there is a potential protagonist and the on the opposite side stand the antagonist, then we will know that could be a potential to go into the dramatic reality, the dramatic dole play. Otherwise, if it is just only all the tanks, planes and the fighting going on, bombing, killing of all the soldiers and etc, then there will not be protagonist and antagonist.

Even if using different colour soldiers, like in grey or green, there is no protagonist and antagonist until we get a clearer development of the protagonist - the hero coming out. A group of soldier does not have a major significant to go into a dramatic role play, but if there is this different one soldier - "Well, what shall we call this hero, Can this be the leader, Was this hero a commander?" This particular soldier the child wanted him to be seen, then we have the character of protagonist.

Continue playing with the client – Can you show me how and where is this hero is standing in this battle field; this is when we are moving from an ordinary SWP into role playing with a clear protagonist and antagonist. The moment the storyline focus on the energy in a character, then we will have the potential for dramatic role playing. Once the identified protagonist started to emerge and into role playing unconsciously self – he will then plays out the representation of the internal struggle which is parallel to his external struggles.

(to be continued)

1 comment:

  1. Good application of your understanding of TUODRP into your client work.
