OUR AMAZING, EXCITING, UNBELIEVABLE RIDEEnjoy the reading through:Crestmaiden: PhloxE, watch out, there is hanging stone there...... right in 500 meter/
Exodusor: did u see the stone there phloxe! Be careful
Crestmaiden: it's amazing here... Shaylee, hold tight ya, OFO okay? BHInD me?
Shayleemomo: There is another one coming towards us from the right, quick turn to the left
PhloxEAwing: SL, not to worry hang on to the switch direction again
Shayleemomo: Hurray, it missed us.
Exodusor: OFO, r u there?
Shayleemomo: Where did all the stones comes from.
Crestmaiden: Oh MY, Phlox E, watch out, i am seeing a lot of stoney rock here...and all hanging here and there.. floting
PhloxEAwing: gethering speed wive the way through
Shayleemomo: Are we in a stone maze,.
Crestmaiden: OFO, how are you, are you K?
PhloxEAwing: Gosh this is fun
Shayleemomo: OFO, what happen you are stunned?
(Shaylee can actually felt that OFO was freezed and her eyes was closed)
Onefoolishother: Yes, i am here. i am fine, just afraid of height..
Crestmaiden: Lone ranger.... where is the light now?
Shayleemomo: No wonder you are so quite.
Exodusor: i can't see it now since the stones seem to appear suddenly
Shayleemomo: Wait, Crest you can freeze time right?
Onefoolishother: feel scary of height and speed (8.52.52pm)
Crestmaiden: OFO, if you are afraid of height, maybe u can sing a song for us, and the music will calm u down.
Crestmaiden: shaylee, yup, what u want me to do?
Shayleemomo: Crest quick think, more stones coming
Exodusor: the stones r blocking our views...
Crestmaiden: $%^&&****$# FREEZE TIME
Onefoolishother: that souds good to distract myself////...taking up the flute to blow
Shayleemomo: You can freeze time, and when it happen all the stone will station put.
PhloxEAwing: All, I'll just follow this through and when we are ready
Onefoolishother: try the sound, sound can break up the stones...
Crestmaiden: TIME FREEZE, all the stone station put, and sounds of flute come in
PhloxEAwing: we can stop somewhere and put our thoughts toghther
Shayleemomo: Pointing towards the stone maze, see all the stone not moving anymore.
PhloxEAwing: gentlely glading by
Shayleemomo: Phlox, quick go thru the maze, don't everyone touch anything.
Crestmaiden: PhloxE speed slow down already, and moved to the light comes
Onefoolishother: Let me blow the fute, and the sound will disintegrate the stones ..
Shayleemomo: Dont OFO don
Shayleemomo: Don't do it, it will wake up the stones..... no......
Onefoolishother: what does it say to you , Lone ranger...
Shayleemomo: OFO change tune, to the calming tune pls.
Exodusor: CAN anyone read the codes from the patterns of positions of the stones?
PhloxEAwing: the stones look ... what the word?
Exodusor: i don't know...
Crestmaiden: the writes here, seems to say EMOCLLEW
Crestmaiden: EHT
PhloxEAwing: Karrputahu
Crestmaiden: NESOOHC
Crestmaiden: ENO
Crestmaiden: what's that??
Shayleemomo: May be if we fly higher and look down it will form a word, what do you think?
Crestmaiden: does it makes sense?
Exodusor: %%@@**
PhloxEAwing: I think I best find a place to land, any objections (8.58.36pm)
Onefoolishother: it may have different meaning for each one of us....
Exodusor: yes phloxe..
Exodusor: maybe, ofo
Onefoolishother: yes, i think so, Phloe can be tired now/
PhloxEAwing: lokking looking
Crestmaiden: PhloxE, why dun rest in the big tree with the big stone, the green one
PhloxEAwing: landing.
Onefoolishother: Lone ranger, you said the stone is blocking our view
Shayleemomo: OFO, we landed you can open your eyes now.
Crestmaiden: OFO, are you k? we are landing, but still in quite a high position, dun look down
Exodusor: yeah, but crestmaiden managed to keep them still..n now we r on top of them..
Onefoolishother: I have been half closed half open.....i am aware of what is going on....but I don't seem to find the codes as you all have said
Crestmaiden: lone ranger, what u see the writen words?
Exodusor: ##%%@@
Onefoolishother: what does it mean for you, Lone ranger
PhloxEAwing: wow, the stones reads karraputahu to me
Exodusor: still thinking how to decode the symbols
PhloxEAwing: tahu, is know
Shayleemomo: Is it the name of the place?
PhloxEAwing: karaput ????
Exodusor: ofo, i m not sure
Exodusor: it is unfamiliar to me
Shayleemomo: Kaput I know, but not karaput.... hhehehe (laughing away)
Crestmaiden: its seem this "emoclew eht nesoohc eno" or this eno nesoohc eht emoclew
Onefoolishother: One of the foolish thing I have done is try to decode the symbol , in the end, I have missed the mark..let it be....wonder and awe as it is,
Crestmaiden: hmm... i have no idea, whatis the sound like, i can;t spell it correctly..... is it a puzzle game or what?
Exodusor: how abt u OFO, can u depict anything from the stones' patterns?
Onefoolishother: Crest, it really looks Greek to me.......or ancient text......
Crestmaiden: hmmm.. OFO, can u decode this?
Shayleemomo: Yawning away
PhloxEAwing: Oh i got it the turtle knows
Crestmaiden: Shaylee, can you use spell to decode this wording? Hehe
Onefoolishother: no, don
PhloxEAwing: Kura is turtle
Shayleemomo: Suddenly lookin at Phlox with wide eyes, what turtle? (9.05.28pm)
Onefoolishother: maybe Phlox has her way..
Onefoolishother: Tell us morea bout Kura
Crestmaiden: PhloxE, i seem this at other way of the rock pattern "emoclew eht nesoohc eno" or this "eno nesoohc eht emoclew"
Crestmaiden: is it related with Kura??
Shayleemomo: Hei, I got it, does it mean the turtle knows?
PhloxEAwing: yes the turtle-kura, tahu-know, that leaves me with pa, THE PAPA TURTLE KNOWS
Shayleemomo: then okay, where can we find this turtle?
Onefoolishother: Yes, Phlox, I do not trust my senses now....but something else, can help us to unlock the meaning? maybe your Kura can?
Crestmaiden: is this turtle is alive creature? or is a landmark??
PhloxEAwing: The turtle may not be the answer for all of us but for me it is a clue
Shayleemomo: Crest, turtle live only in water, can it be back to the pool? (9.09.10pm)
PhloxEAwing: yes
Shayleemomo: What yes? We are goint back to the pool?
Exodusor: the sky is getting dark....perhaps we can go back to the pool
Onefoolishother: You know....we have some strange experience at the pool, the water, the rippling, the movment on the surface....could Kura lives int e fool..yes, Shaylee, also thinks this way..
Crestmaiden: i had never seem this living things, but as far we fly from sky, there is only water place- the pool...shall we go there?
Phlox Awing: OK
PhloxEAwing: getting ready topush off
Exodusor: let's go back to the pool before it gets dark
Shayleemomo: OFO, hold to my body, I will set you up on to of Phlox.
Crestmaiden: let's go , we go back to look for kURA
PhloxEAwing: all on good here we go
Crestmaiden: OFO, hold my hand too
PhloxEAwing: ready/
Shayleemomo: Lone ranger, can you hold my hand, Crest is holding OFO hand.
Onefoolishother: Yes, I feel good about this idea...let me hod your hands, crestmaiden thanks for help
Shayleemomo: I am ready.
Exodusor: ok, sl
Crestmaiden: let's fly....watch out...
PhloxEAwing: off we go
Onefoolishother: Let go, let me open my eyes now, to enjoy the flight as i feel secured with you all...
PhloxEAwing: i
t's just a dash,
Exodusor: can u see phloxe? since it is getting darker
Shayleemomo: We......we....... here we go... (it so nice to feel the wind blowing thru my hair.)
Crestmaiden: The time freeze make the stone sto moving, and (9.12.48pm)
PhloxEAwing: remember I have night vision
Exodusor: ok
PhloxEAwing: perfect landing
Onefoolishother: I think so, Lone ranger, Phloe has the eye of an owl at night.......she is really a good helper at this adventure
Exodusor: thanks! that's a good landing
Shayleemomo: OFO, let me help you down.
Crestmaiden: i will make the time move again once reach the pool safely it;s so nice to hold together and let the wind fly
Crestmaiden: TIME moved again.......
Onefoolishother: Waoo....I can open my eyes and look at the beauty of the sky,,,,/....amazing right.....the moment I let go and do some thing i considered foolish..
Exodusor: it is too dark to look for KURA
Shayleemomo: Why not we take a rest and see when the light comes?
Exodusor: what do others think?
Crestmaiden: seems like i have a way.... but i think its good enough we can rest and think how to look for KURA
Onefoolishother: Kura will appear itself if he is our helper...we will meet without making much effort. as Shaylee said, we shall wait////..
PhloxEAwing: settling by the pool and looking at the gang
Exodusor: i m going into my stillness now...
PhloxEAwing: time to share what we experience
Exodusor: i would probably find an answer regarding the codes
PhloxEAwing: would anyone like to tell of the experience just now
Crestmaiden: PhloxE, i saw this code on the pattern stone, "emoclew eht nesoohc eno" or "eno nesoohc eht emoclew"
Shayleemomo: We have thought that the answer is away from here, but how would we know it is here all along.
Crestmaiden: and, also the pink clouds with shining sunlight from the mountain...... and we are here again at pool side...
Crestmaiden: hmm..... i must find a way to decode this,
Crestmaiden: the phrase
Shayleemomo: emoclew eht nesoohc eno - let me write it down.
PhloxEAwing: it felt great to test out flying and knowing papa kura will help
Onefoolishother: yawnling,,,closing her eyes...it is a tiring day at the market place, of listening stories....some energy is drained off too.....I need a rest.....,,
Crestmaiden: getting tired and also feels cold....
PhloxEAwing: ya let's sleep on this
Shayleemomo: Phlox can I close my eyes beside you, I feel cold tonight I guess after all the excitement.
PhloxEAwing: you are welcome SL
Crestmaiden: PhloxE, can i beside u too? its cold tonight
Shayleemomo: thanks.
PhloxEAwing: sounds like we are at a campfire
Onefoolishother: Well, at the moment, I have no idea what the code or the shapes of the stones mean to me..i cannot figure it out now...let me ponder over it and see how it goes it will come as i least expected of it....... (Mon Jun 14, 9.30.34pm)
Why is there a beautiful, colourful and bright light?
Why can't the character reach it?
Where did the stones come from?
Why was there code for the character to decode?
What has the KURA got to say?
Is KURA a place or somebody?
Why back to the pool?
Is the pool - antagonist or protagonist?
We started as 7 characters, can we finished the journey without the 2?