Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chapter 1 - Facilitating Play with Non Player

Answers to Questions unanswered previously.

How would I apply this contribution into my clinical work?

Play takes place in the period of illusion in the "transitional space" (Winnicott) between the imaginary and the real world between the "me" and the "not me". Therefore has to do with me as the therapist and client playing together, if I cannot play then I will not be suitable for this work. If the client cannot play, then something needs to be done to enable the client to be able to play, to allow the dramatherapy to begin. As said by Winnicott - there is a linkages between play, self development and creativity - it is in playing and only in playing that the individual child or adult is able to be creative and to use the whole personality and as this result the individual discovers the self.

For my 1st play in BOLD, I have experience the playing together with T, I found that I can play, and very fortunately for me as a therapist T is a player and as a result we went into a lot of imaginary scenes, that also allows the dramatherapy to begin. Not only my client found his self, but me too at some point.

Is attachment universal or only limited to children with their natural birth mothers?
According the the attachment theory by John Bowlby - studying attachment behaviors in animals and humans, he theorized that the function of early attachment to the mother is to protect the child from the predators (same for both humans and animals. On the Evolutionary level - the attachment shields the infant from harm.
On the Psychological level- the attachment serves to reduce anxiety and to impart a sense of security.

If the child has a Secure base of attachment to the mother, Bowlby hypothesized, several important achievement can follow.
1. the still vulnerable child can comfortably explore the environment with less fear and arousal, knowing that the mother is available in times of danger,
2. the secure child will have less need to develop psychological defenses and
3. the child can form and internal mental representation of the caring protector, and overtime can identify with the internalized image.

Bowlby believed that the need for Attachment is never outgrown but endures throughout one's life. So, does it answer that Attachment is Universal to both humans and animals.

What about.... Is attachment only limited to children with their natural birth mothers? How does that relate to the object realtions model of say Winnicort?
No attachment is not only limited to children with their natural birth mothers, then I will use Winnicot theory to answer - Transitional object.
In human childhood development, a transitional object which is a physical object with takes the place of the mother - child bond (dolls, teddy bears or blankets). When the young child begins to separate the 'me' from the 'not-me' and evolves from complete dependence to a stage of relative independence, it uses transitional objects. The infant sees himself and the mother as a whole, whereby the mother 'brings the world' to the infant without delay. But what about in separation, the child comes to realize that the mother is separate from him throught which it appears that the child has lost something. the realization can be painful, and also frustation and anxiety too, knowing that nobody can will 'bring the world' to him/her. The transitional object is often the first 'not me' possession that really belongs to the child. This object represents all components of 'mothering' and it means that the child himself is able to create what he needs as well. It enables the child to have a fantasized bond with the mother when he/she gradually separates. This is important at the time of going to sleep and as a defence against anxiety.

But in here, it might result into another further theory by others using "Strange Situation Test" -
1. Secure
2. Insecure (insecure-avoidant, insecure-ambivalent, or insecure-naracissistic)
3. Disorganised/disoriented.

Unstable environments, financial problems and self preoccupied parents - who are unprepared for parenting and not able to adequately support the child's development are common in the histories of Disorganised/disoriented attachment. Because here, parents in such situations cannot promote self-regulation, increase sensitivity to others, or aid brain developemnt the child is at risk for future emotional, cognitive and psychological problems.

Can my client T, in this stage of Disorganised/disoriented? I see the parents as being young not ready to for parenthood when he was born, and very self preoccupied always busy and as a result not being able to support T development.

Thanks Alex for asking me questions, now I have a clearer picture.

Comments are needed for my further learning, I might be at 'wrong track'.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2nd Online Group Supervision (Part 3)

Reflection On 2nd Online Group Supervision (Part 3)


Why does the client choose to use super heroes?

Can it be he/she has been expose to social culture, from the videos, TV programmes – Power Rangers, Ultraman Tiga, Spiderman, Superman and many more. Sometimes the client will stick to one, sometimes they keep on changing – there is a different in psychology of heroes. It is not always bed of roses to play super heroes, as super heroes usually have got a lot of baggage, the 1st thing is to dealing with anything that have powerful means dealing with the powerlessness. If the main character happens to be powerful which can means that this person is feeling powerless, in his real situation or in reality experiencing powerless.

Superheroes are the symbols in child play, representing emotional areas, psychological too, he can be a very powerful Power Ranger metaphorically but he just a baby Power Ranger, so don’t assume that the Power Ranger is about other things that goes in that child projected into the object of the character. Therefore it is useful to know the symbolic meaning or the potentially social culture (google later to learn more).

How can we help the child to change into the capacity to transform change to an area that the child came from and familiar with. Use the metaphor and terminology that the child is familiar with, then when we use it, it will be in therapeutic intention, so when we help to transform he won’t just transform but thinking to transform into role, whereby we are able to extend our role play into a helper, a mentor, a guide like the Sifu, the Master. In this role, we make our self available to provide some help in the child struggling with the monster. So that he will able to respond in role in the character, rather than only having the power to kill everybody or anybody, unable to reach out for help and unable to see advice. We in our role not only as the mentor figure but also as a therapist starting to sow the seed of potential healing to his character and also to him indirectly.

Chat at Chatango on 21 June 2010

When Crest got poisoned at one point, Shaylee felt that it is her fault that Crest poison, I can really felt the guilt built up in my heart at that time of the moment. The panic of searching in Shaylee spell book for the cure, the flicking through until she found it, the assurance that she must have in order not to make any mistake to find the correct spell because Crest needed her.

Even though she can felt that the rest of the friends were trying to help Crest too, she took her initiative to cook up the cure: ran to the pool, and used a cup leave to scoop the water, ran back to Crest, then put her purple crystal into it and let Crest drank it.

At one point, Shaylee was not sure whether the rest were going to explore deeper into the pool. She for sure, is going anyway and will see them at the bottom if they are going. Why? Is it there I can get my own personal answer? What is there waiting for me to discover? Is it what I am here for? Is this my quest?

In fact from here, Shaylee indeed did not really knew what were exchanged among her friends, but she turned and looked up and see that the other a not following along, they were still up there. In order not to lost the creature she kept on swimming towards it. Discovering to herself what a vast forest of sea weeds, standing out in a maze. Then suddenly, she heard that someone is calling to her and looked up and saw the rest are joining her after all.

Monday, June 21, 2010

2nd Online Group Supervision Session : 2 June

Reflection On 2nd Online Group Supervision (Part 2)

At one point, I gave an example of asking my client: “If you are a policeman, are you powerful, what is your special power?”
Alex said that I should not have asked a closed question, and do not put words or ideas to client, it will be better for him to come about by himself.
When coming to question and answer, do not interrogate, the things that we do is enough to provide the structure for a richer role playing experience and give us thought on how do we prepare to enter from ordinary reality into dramatic reality, and once the person enter that is all action, dialog and action and we do not need to interrogate all.

During a session with the client, while working with them in the playroom doing anything, and it came to us that if we saw the potential or if the child indicate that he/she is ready to go into the action matter of role playing, how do we help him/her to move from the transition of ordinate reality into the dramatic reality. How do we help him/her to move from one to the other taking into account to create a clear boundary to distinguish between ordinary and dramatic reality, using the repetitive name of the character, so as the child do not confuse of – are we asking him as the person in character or are we asking the character.
Using the interviewing technique, at 1st you are starting into scene setting – where, who, what – questions like –
• Can you use thing to show me,
• could you show me,
• when would I carry eg. My weapon,
• how could I stand,
• where would I carry my weapon,
• could you feed me with the details,
• show me how I can imitate you,

From here then, you are into improvisation, starting role playing (keep an eye and observation of any emerging themes). If using war game miniature of soldier and tanks, if there is one person that stands out in the play, then we know that it is starting to develop characterisation, there is a potential protagonist and the on the opposite side stand the antagonist, then we will know that could be a potential to go into the dramatic reality, the dramatic dole play. Otherwise, if it is just only all the tanks, planes and the fighting going on, bombing, killing of all the soldiers and etc, then there will not be protagonist and antagonist.

Even if using different colour soldiers, like in grey or green, there is no protagonist and antagonist until we get a clearer development of the protagonist - the hero coming out. A group of soldier does not have a major significant to go into a dramatic role play, but if there is this different one soldier - "Well, what shall we call this hero, Can this be the leader, Was this hero a commander?" This particular soldier the child wanted him to be seen, then we have the character of protagonist.

Continue playing with the client – Can you show me how and where is this hero is standing in this battle field; this is when we are moving from an ordinary SWP into role playing with a clear protagonist and antagonist. The moment the storyline focus on the energy in a character, then we will have the potential for dramatic role playing. Once the identified protagonist started to emerge and into role playing unconsciously self – he will then plays out the representation of the internal struggle which is parallel to his external struggles.

(to be continued)

Friday, June 18, 2010

1st Online discussion on Mission Impossible

Cheng, Ding and Phaik Niew sent their apologies.

At the beginning, I totally does not have any clues on how to starts, I have told the group I am in such a blur-blur stage. But as Elaine guided us along, the words just flow out from my mind.

Storyline - children story or tennage story with identity crisis, enough, peer group, acceptance - teenager, 13-15, simple issue, like rejection by peer.
Elaine suggested fairy tale, moden story, like the movie karate kids but must have the storyline that have the hero journey, like in the Lord of the Ring.

Then Mary suggested why not use The Legend of Dragonville, The White Lady and the Dragon.
We are going to write the dialogue using the story, but we need to have the agreement from the rest.

The next meeting in space will be on Thursday 9.15pm - 10.00pm

Hope all can attend.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

This was the exciting part, where the adrenaline pumps in for every character.


Enjoy the reading through:

Crestmaiden: PhloxE, watch out, there is hanging stone there...... right in 500 meter/
Exodusor: did u see the stone there phloxe! Be careful
Crestmaiden: it's amazing here... Shaylee, hold tight ya, OFO okay? BHInD me?
Shayleemomo: There is another one coming towards us from the right, quick turn to the left
PhloxEAwing: SL, not to worry hang on to the switch direction again
Shayleemomo: Hurray, it missed us.
Exodusor: OFO, r u there?
Shayleemomo: Where did all the stones comes from.
Crestmaiden: Oh MY, Phlox E, watch out, i am seeing a lot of stoney rock here...and all hanging here and there.. floting
PhloxEAwing: gethering speed wive the way through
Shayleemomo: Are we in a stone maze,.
Crestmaiden: OFO, how are you, are you K?
PhloxEAwing: Gosh this is fun
Shayleemomo: OFO, what happen you are stunned?
(Shaylee can actually felt that OFO was freezed and her eyes was closed)
Onefoolishother: Yes, i am here. i am fine, just afraid of height..
Crestmaiden: Lone ranger.... where is the light now?
Shayleemomo: No wonder you are so quite.
Exodusor: i can't see it now since the stones seem to appear suddenly
Shayleemomo: Wait, Crest you can freeze time right?
Onefoolishother: feel scary of height and speed (8.52.52pm)
Crestmaiden: OFO, if you are afraid of height, maybe u can sing a song for us, and the music will calm u down.
Crestmaiden: shaylee, yup, what u want me to do?
Shayleemomo: Crest quick think, more stones coming
Exodusor: the stones r blocking our views...
Crestmaiden: $%^&&****$# FREEZE TIME
Onefoolishother: that souds good to distract myself////...taking up the flute to blow
Shayleemomo: You can freeze time, and when it happen all the stone will station put.
PhloxEAwing: All, I'll just follow this through and when we are ready
Onefoolishother: try the sound, sound can break up the stones...
Crestmaiden: TIME FREEZE, all the stone station put, and sounds of flute come in
PhloxEAwing: we can stop somewhere and put our thoughts toghther
Shayleemomo: Pointing towards the stone maze, see all the stone not moving anymore.
PhloxEAwing: gentlely glading by
Shayleemomo: Phlox, quick go thru the maze, don't everyone touch anything.
Crestmaiden: PhloxE speed slow down already, and moved to the light comes
Onefoolishother: Let me blow the fute, and the sound will disintegrate the stones ..
Shayleemomo: Dont OFO don
Shayleemomo: Don't do it, it will wake up the stones..... no......
Onefoolishother: what does it say to you , Lone ranger...
Shayleemomo: OFO change tune, to the calming tune pls.
Exodusor: CAN anyone read the codes from the patterns of positions of the stones?
PhloxEAwing: the stones look ... what the word?
Exodusor: i don't know...
Crestmaiden: the writes here, seems to say EMOCLLEW
Crestmaiden: EHT
PhloxEAwing: Karrputahu
Crestmaiden: NESOOHC
Crestmaiden: ENO
Crestmaiden: what's that??
Shayleemomo: May be if we fly higher and look down it will form a word, what do you think?
Crestmaiden: does it makes sense?
Exodusor: %%@@**
PhloxEAwing: I think I best find a place to land, any objections (8.58.36pm)
Onefoolishother: it may have different meaning for each one of us....
Exodusor: yes phloxe..
Exodusor: maybe, ofo
Onefoolishother: yes, i think so, Phloe can be tired now/
PhloxEAwing: lokking looking
Crestmaiden: PhloxE, why dun rest in the big tree with the big stone, the green one
PhloxEAwing: landing.
Onefoolishother: Lone ranger, you said the stone is blocking our view
Shayleemomo: OFO, we landed you can open your eyes now.
Crestmaiden: OFO, are you k? we are landing, but still in quite a high position, dun look down
Exodusor: yeah, but crestmaiden managed to keep them still..n now we r on top of them..
Onefoolishother: I have been half closed half open.....i am aware of what is going on....but I don't seem to find the codes as you all have said
Crestmaiden: lone ranger, what u see the writen words?
Exodusor: ##%%@@
Onefoolishother: what does it mean for you, Lone ranger
PhloxEAwing: wow, the stones reads karraputahu to me
Exodusor: still thinking how to decode the symbols
PhloxEAwing: tahu, is know
Shayleemomo: Is it the name of the place?
PhloxEAwing: karaput ????
Exodusor: ofo, i m not sure
Exodusor: it is unfamiliar to me
Shayleemomo: Kaput I know, but not karaput.... hhehehe (laughing away)
Crestmaiden: its seem this "emoclew eht nesoohc eno" or this eno nesoohc eht emoclew
Onefoolishother: One of the foolish thing I have done is try to decode the symbol , in the end, I have missed the mark..let it be....wonder and awe as it is,
Crestmaiden: hmm... i have no idea, whatis the sound like, i can;t spell it correctly..... is it a puzzle game or what?
Exodusor: how abt u OFO, can u depict anything from the stones' patterns?
Onefoolishother: Crest, it really looks Greek to me.......or ancient text......
Crestmaiden: hmmm.. OFO, can u decode this?
Shayleemomo: Yawning away
PhloxEAwing: Oh i got it the turtle knows
Crestmaiden: Shaylee, can you use spell to decode this wording? Hehe
Onefoolishother: no, don
PhloxEAwing: Kura is turtle
Shayleemomo: Suddenly lookin at Phlox with wide eyes, what turtle? (9.05.28pm)
Onefoolishother: maybe Phlox has her way..
Onefoolishother: Tell us morea bout Kura
Crestmaiden: PhloxE, i seem this at other way of the rock pattern "emoclew eht nesoohc eno" or this "eno nesoohc eht emoclew"
Crestmaiden: is it related with Kura??
Shayleemomo: Hei, I got it, does it mean the turtle knows?
PhloxEAwing: yes the turtle-kura, tahu-know, that leaves me with pa, THE PAPA TURTLE KNOWS
Shayleemomo: then okay, where can we find this turtle?
Onefoolishother: Yes, Phlox, I do not trust my senses now....but something else, can help us to unlock the meaning? maybe your Kura can?
Crestmaiden: is this turtle is alive creature? or is a landmark??
PhloxEAwing: The turtle may not be the answer for all of us but for me it is a clue
Shayleemomo: Crest, turtle live only in water, can it be back to the pool? (9.09.10pm)
PhloxEAwing: yes
Shayleemomo: What yes? We are goint back to the pool?
Exodusor: the sky is getting dark....perhaps we can go back to the pool
Onefoolishother: You know....we have some strange experience at the pool, the water, the rippling, the movment on the surface....could Kura lives int e fool..yes, Shaylee, also thinks this way..
Crestmaiden: i had never seem this living things, but as far we fly from sky, there is only water place- the pool...shall we go there?
Phlox Awing: OK
PhloxEAwing: getting ready topush off
Exodusor: let's go back to the pool before it gets dark
Shayleemomo: OFO, hold to my body, I will set you up on to of Phlox.
Crestmaiden: let's go , we go back to look for kURA
PhloxEAwing: all on good here we go
Crestmaiden: OFO, hold my hand too
PhloxEAwing: ready/
Shayleemomo: Lone ranger, can you hold my hand, Crest is holding OFO hand.
Onefoolishother: Yes, I feel good about this idea...let me hod your hands, crestmaiden thanks for help
Shayleemomo: I am ready.
Exodusor: ok, sl
Crestmaiden: let's out...
PhloxEAwing: off we go
Onefoolishother: Let go, let me open my eyes now, to enjoy the flight as i feel secured with you all...
PhloxEAwing: i
t's just a dash,
Exodusor: can u see phloxe? since it is getting darker
Shayleemomo: We......we....... here we go... (it so nice to feel the wind blowing thru my hair.)
Crestmaiden: The time freeze make the stone sto moving, and (9.12.48pm)
PhloxEAwing: remember I have night vision
Exodusor: ok
PhloxEAwing: perfect landing
Onefoolishother: I think so, Lone ranger, Phloe has the eye of an owl at night.......she is really a good helper at this adventure
Exodusor: thanks! that's a good landing
Shayleemomo: OFO, let me help you down.
Crestmaiden: i will make the time move again once reach the pool safely it;s so nice to hold together and let the wind fly
Crestmaiden: TIME moved again.......
Onefoolishother: Waoo....I can open my eyes and look at the beauty of the sky,,,,/....amazing right.....the moment I let go and do some thing i considered foolish..
Exodusor: it is too dark to look for KURA
Shayleemomo: Why not we take a rest and see when the light comes?
Exodusor: what do others think?
Crestmaiden: seems like i have a way.... but i think its good enough we can rest and think how to look for KURA
Onefoolishother: Kura will appear itself if he is our helper...we will meet without making much effort. as Shaylee said, we shall wait////..
PhloxEAwing: settling by the pool and looking at the gang
Exodusor: i m going into my stillness now...
PhloxEAwing: time to share what we experience
Exodusor: i would probably find an answer regarding the codes
PhloxEAwing: would anyone like to tell of the experience just now
Crestmaiden: PhloxE, i saw this code on the pattern stone, "emoclew eht nesoohc eno" or "eno nesoohc eht emoclew"
Shayleemomo: We have thought that the answer is away from here, but how would we know it is here all along.
Crestmaiden: and, also the pink clouds with shining sunlight from the mountain...... and we are here again at pool side...
Crestmaiden: hmm..... i must find a way to decode this,
Crestmaiden: the phrase
Shayleemomo: emoclew eht nesoohc eno - let me write it down.
PhloxEAwing: it felt great to test out flying and knowing papa kura will help
Onefoolishother: yawnling,,,closing her is a tiring day at the market place, of listening stories....some energy is drained off too.....I need a rest.....,,
Crestmaiden: getting tired and also feels cold....
PhloxEAwing: ya let's sleep on this
Shayleemomo: Phlox can I close my eyes beside you, I feel cold tonight I guess after all the excitement.
PhloxEAwing: you are welcome SL
Crestmaiden: PhloxE, can i beside u too? its cold tonight
Shayleemomo: thanks.
PhloxEAwing: sounds like we are at a campfire
Onefoolishother: Well, at the moment, I have no idea what the code or the shapes of the stones mean to me..i cannot figure it out now...let me ponder over it and see how it goes it will come as i least expected of it....... (Mon Jun 14, 9.30.34pm)

Why is there a beautiful, colourful and bright light?
Why can't the character reach it?
Where did the stones come from?
Why was there code for the character to decode?
What has the KURA got to say?
Is KURA a place or somebody?
Why back to the pool?
Is the pool - antagonist or protagonist?
We started as 7 characters, can we finished the journey without the 2?


Shayleemomo: Combing the entangle hair with my fingers, Hi all.
(very unconsciously action of combing the hair just appear, has it became a morning unconsciously ritual for me)

Shayleemomo: Putting both hands up, don't don't go near please.....
(remembered of the pulling of the current)

Shayleemomo: Lets see what Crest is standing there looking at, but make sure not to go too near, Lone ranger, bcos that day I nearly drown there.
(reluctantly going near the pool, as Shaylee still remember the mishap)

Shayleemomo: Yup, Phlox pulled me up. OFO keep on calling me to use my wings, but I can't you see, I was to shaken and paniky that time.
(Still do not know why Shaylee did not used her pair of wings that day, too frighten or forgetful)

Shayleemomo: Crest, see around the pool you can actually see the bottom, so clear (pointing towards the centre) but look at the centre, it is like a whirlpool... what is your thought?
(where did the whirlpool comes from, is it a calling for us to enter into it? Antagonist or protagonist?

Shayleemomo: Crest Phlox, I am thirsty do you think it is wise to drink near the pool?
(Shaylee needs a lot of nurturing – always thirsty)

Onefoolishother: how have you been after the long sleep that night? I thought you were thinking of your mother..
Shayleemomo: Yup, the thought is still in my mind. OFO.
(was too excited on the new day and the new beginning, have to push it aside to come to term later, or to find out whether the calling is a way for me to come to term?)

Shayleemomo: But but, what about Fidget and SS, what about if they returned and find us gone.
(at that moment I really felt that we should wait for the rest to return before we starts the journey but time can’t wait therefore Shaylee need to follow in order to find the answer)

Shayleemomo: If you are going, I am coming too (running towards Phlox)
(don’t want to be left behind)

Shayleemomo: Using my pair of wings and fly on top of Phlox.
(now she remembers that she has a pair of wings to fly, hehehe.)

Onefoolishother: Can I get on to your wing to fly on top o f Phlox, Shaylee
Shayleemomo: Oopps, okay, I will come down again, Phlox dont go yet. Okay
(Felt very nice that I can help others, rather than the always helpless one)

Shayleemomo: Suddenly lookin at Phlox with wide eyes, what turtle?
(All along, Shaylee has this thought that the calling has to do with the pool, is it?)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2nd Online Group Supervision Session: 2 June

Reflection On 2nd Online Group Supervision (Part 1)

Role playing process (things to know and watch out)
 Frame works
 Assessment thru the emerging contents
 The storyline
 The character development
 The quality of the character development
 The imagination of the projection
 The capacity of the role player
 Themes that are coming out
 The symbols
 The metaphors that are emerging from the role play.

Questions to ask self:
 Can I consider it as a psycho dramatic role playing
 Is it a scripted role playing

When a child is setting out a scene, how do we know that he is entering in the dramatic reality, how do we know how significant is that he has established the boundary between ordinary reality and dramatic reality, how to secure the dramatic reality.

The moment we see the potential of going into the role playing space or if recognised that the person is going into the role playing we can use the comments like:
• I know that you would like to do some role playing.
• May I suggest that we clear some of the stuff and us the things that are relevant to us.

By this way, you are consciously prompting to the child that both of you are going to do role play. Once he has the scene set up, we need to make the scenery sorted out, in this way we can enhance the role play, potential imagination by creating the transition from the ordinary reality into the dramatic reality, let the person imagine “Oh, this is my castle, my house, my cottage, here is the pathway to my house, there is a market near my house and so forth.” This way it will make the person feels special. We need to help him imagine the set up of the scene, therefore it will make him feels that at moment he is no longer Terry but the character itself, whom the house belongs to and may ask him what shall we call your character.

Summary: 1st thing – developing the setting, the characterisation as part of the ritual transitional process from moving from ordinary reality into the dramatic reality.

Example of Open ended questions:
• Who do you want me to be?
• What kind of character would you like me to play?
• Could you show me what kind of .......?
• May Be you can demonstrate to me so that I can get the idea, can you show me?
• What do I call you?
• Who are you in this character?
• I see that you wants to do role playing, how would you like me to participate?

If the person said he is the bad guy, need to ask him:
• What kind of bad guy?
• Could you show me?
• Does he have anyone else beside himself?

If the person said he is the policeman, need to ask him:
• Are you the sergeant?
• What shall I call you?
• Are you the inspector?

It is important to know that by role playing usually they are engaging you already, if not they are only doing self play or solitary play, just playing by themselves. Always keep on telling the person or rephrasing that the person is going into role and stuck into the role during play, “Benny, can you tell me where your house is? Is it by the hill top, kampong and etc. If he is putting his effort in ensuring of his setting scene, means that he is putting his concentration on how his house setting is like, we might get him to elaborate more on the scene setting.

If the person wants more than one character, then he will have to say so, depending upon the person capacity, depending where he is at, in development of his storyline.

In Terry case, he just go down and shoot – kill the monster as a result felt much better, come back again next week, shoot kill the bad people, nothing have change – role fixated, just to release his tension. Here the other therapeutic expect has not been cultivated or developed through the dramatic reality through the role repertoire or introduction of different potential theme, in the story line. Here is when you using your role to engine the possibility, when you know what is going on, find out deeper into the situation and his role.

(To be continued)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Chatango - At the pool side .......

Shayleemomo: The water is very sweet and tasty, cooling too.
Shayleemomo: Iwonder what the taste of the grass at the bank taste like?
Shayleemomo: I am curious what the grass there taste like? Go near the site, and pull it out, put in the mouth, yuck, it is bitter and it have a four taste, I need to wash my mouth? Yuk2......

Nurturing? - Like other ‘lack of nurturing ‘children, I too have a very busy pair of parents, and they do not know how to play, come to think of it. Luckily, I lived in a big bungalow house which has 14 tenants, including mine and I have a lot of childhood friends. But I still missed my parents psychologically.

Shayleemomo: Phlox, can I sit on you right?
Shayleemomo: closed eyes and listen to the sweet melody from OFO flute,
Shayleemomo: Open eyes, head turn to OFO, I am Shaylee, call me SL, how do you do?
Shayleemomo: OFO not to be nervous, we don’t bit..... hehehe.

It has been the 3rd time I went into Chatango but I still felt safer to sit with Phlox, it can protect me with it's wings

Shayleemomo: I also have family, me and my bossy mum.
Shayleemomo: Well even being here with new friends, why am I worried about my mum?Shayleemomo: Hei OFO, may be you can play one song for me, I will closed my eye and meditate.
Shayleemomo: Thanks, OFO, the music really touch my heart. Sigh.... Sigh..... I missed my mummy.
Shayleemomo: Small tears rolling down my eyes...... Why must I always argue with her? I should have let it be, sometimes. Mummy I missed you.....

About my mum, where shall I start, my childhood she only knew how to control me with the cane, whenever wrong that I have she will bring out the cane. After my dad passed away, she had many failed relationships towards my teen and even after my marraige. Only the last one, lasted until he passed away, 5 years ago, and the relationship was not a pleasant one, he was a wife beater, possessive man, despite it she still stick to him, and my family and myself have to endure all this.

I know that she is old now, infact I have given all the best that I think she needs to have. But sometimes, her nagging was too much for me to bear and made me mad, and I will answer back. But lately, I have been very patient with her, I have tried to be better with her. I, too need to come to term with her, let go of the pass and hold her hand and walk forward, towards the remaining days that have left for her.

Oh, why must this comes out in Chatango? Is this the reason, I am there to search for the key to unlock the heart of mine to forgive and forget?

(At this moment, my tears keep on flowing down....sigh....sigh)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fitting The Lord of the Rings into The Hero's Journey stages (contd)


11. The Crossing of the Return Threshold - hero crosses the threshold of adventure and returns to the everyday world of daylight.

Amid the victory celebrations, Aragorn is crowned King of Gondor, and he marries his long-time love Arwen the daughter of Elrond.

Meanwhile however, Saruman has escaped his captivity and enslaved the Shire. But the four returning Hobbits raise a rebellion and overthrow him in the Battle of Bywater. Saruman’s throat is slit by Grima Wormtongue, his former servant, who is in turn felled with arrows from Hobbit archers. The War of the Ring thus comes to its true end on Frodo’s very doorstep.

Merry and Pippin are acclaimed as heroes and eventually become Lord of Buckland and Thain of the Shire respectively.

Sam uses his gifts from Galadriel to restore and beautify the Shire, and marries Rosie Cotton.
Frodo remains wounded in body and spirit and some years later accompanied by Bilbo and Gandalf, sails from the Grey Havens west over the Sea to the Undying Lands to find peace..

The story has been read as fitting the model of Joseph Campbell's "monomyth". – not totally the 17 stages or steps that Joseph Campbell description but more or less the stages are there in the story.

Fitting The Lord of the Rings into The Hero's Journey stages (contd)

5. Hero encounter test and more helpers/The road of trials. Series of tests, tasks or ordeals that the hero must undergo to begin the transformation.

Frodo and company are forced to travel through the Mines of Moria, and were attached by Orcs (monster). Gandalf defends the Fellowship from a Balrog (monster) and both the creature and himself fall into a deep chasm, allowing the others to escape.

6. Hero meets with the Goddess

(but int Frodo case he did not fallen in love with Lady Galadriel but instead she gave him a magical amulet)
Now, Aragorn led the Fellowship, take refuge in the Elven forest of Lothlorien where they meet the Lady Galadriel (helper) who discuss the Quest with Frodo. She gave the Fellowship boats and gifts, and then they travel down the great River Anduin to the hill of Amon Hen. There Boromir (who is supposed to be helper but lure by the Ring) attempts to take it from Frodo, this made him decided to breaks from the Fellowship to continue the trek to Mordor accompanied only by Sam, who insists on coming to assist and protect him.

7. More battle – more test – the hero encounters tests and helpers:

i. The Dark Lord of Sauron sent the Orcs (monster) and his ally Saruman (sorcerers) to attack, and managed to killed Boromin and kidnaped Merry and Pippin. Aragorn, Gimli(helper) and Legolas (helper) pursue the orcs into the kingdom of Rohan. Merry and Pippin escape when the orcs are slain by the Rohirrim. In the Fangorn forest the befriend the tree-like Ents (helper - nature), led by Treebeard. Here, Gandalf resurrected after his battle with Balrog (monster) and is now more powerful "Gandalf the White).... more war....more helpers.

ii. Gandalf rides off to gather more soldiers with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli travel with Theoden, King of Rohan and his nephew Eomer. After a night of siege at Helm’s Deep, Gandalf arrives with the Lord Erkenbrand and reinforcements. Then the Rohirrim mount a final charge and drive the orcs into a forest of Huorns raised by the Ents, where they are never seen again.

iii. Meanwhile, the Ents destroy Saruman’s remaining forces in Isengard. Gandalf, theoden and the others arrive at Isengard to confront Saruman. Sanuman refuses to see the error of his ways, however Gandalf strips him of his rank and most of his powers and the Ents imprison him within his tower at Orthanc.

8. The Hero reaches the innermost cave

Frodo and Sam capture Gollum, who has been following them since their journey through Moria and force him to guide them to Mordo. They travel a long and hard road as Frodo begins to weaken under the Ring’s power, briefly hindered and then aided by Boromir’s brother Faramir. Gollum betrays Frodo by leading him to the great spider Shelob in the tunnels of Cirith Ungol. Frodo is left unconscious by Shelob’s bite, but Sam fights her off using Frodo’s sword Sting and the vial of light from Earendil’s star – one of the Lady Galadriel’s gifts. Sam believing Frodo dead takes the Ring, and forces himself to leave Frodo, until he overhears orcs who find Frodo’s body and reveal unknowingly to Sam that Frodo is not in fact dead, but unconscious. Frodo is carried to the tower of Cirith Ungol by orcs.

9. The Final Battle – the hero endures the supreme ordeal.

The Dark Lord Sauron begins his military assault upon Gondor, with the Witch-king of Angmar, greatest of the nine Ringwraiths, commanding Sauron’s armies in the battle. Together with Legolas, Gimli, Dunedain and sons of Elrond, Aragorn take the Paths of the Dead where Aragorn raises an undead army of oath-breakers. These help him to defeat the armies of the Corsairs of Umbar in southern Gondor, enabling the region’s forces to sail to aid of Minas Tirith in it Siege.
With the timely aid of Rohan’s cavalry and Aragorn’s reinforcement a significant portion of Sauron’s army is defeated at the Battle of the Plennor Fields. King Theoden dies in the battle, but the Lord of the Nazgul, the Witch-king of Angmar, is slain by Eowyn and Merry, though both are wounded.

10. The Ultimate Boon - The Hero endures the supreme ordeal.

Sam rescues Frodo from captivity, and they make their way through Mordor. Frodo weakens as the weight of the Ring increases, but is aided and sometimes physically carried by Sam as they reach the Mount Doom. Meanwhile, in the climactic battle at the Black Gate of Mordor, the vastly outnumbered alliance of Gondor and Rohan fight desperately against Sauron’s armies, with the intent of diverting Sauron’s attention away from the Mount Doom, which Frodo must reach in order to destroy the Ring.
At the edge of the Cracks of Doom, Frodo is unable to resist the power of the Ring and claims it for himself. But at that moment, Gollum reappears, struggles with Frodo for the Rind and bites of Frodo’s finger, Ring and all, but in doing so he falls into the fire, taking the Ring with him. The Ring is thus unmade. In that instant of its destruction, Sauron perishes, his armies retreat, the Dark Tower crumbles into dust, the Ringwraiths disintegrate and the War of the Ring seemingly ends.

(to be continued - Return in the next post)

Fitting The Lord of the Rings into The Hero's Journey stages

Campbell's work has been applied by a wide variety of modern writer and artist, for example the best known is George Lucas - Star Wars trilogy and J.R.R. Tolkien's novel The Lord of the Rings which also have the fitting of the Monomyth stages. I will be using the Lord of the Rings to go through the stages of the hero's journey, for my review. Hopefully I got it right, I have divided it into 3 posts – Departure, Initiation and Return.

Stages of the hero's journey in The Lord of the Rings:


1. The Call to Adventure: The hero is called to adventure by some external event or messenger.

The story begins in the Shire, as Frodo Baggins inherits the Ring from Bilbo his uncle.

2. The Hero is reluctant at first.

At first he was reluctant, but Gandalf the Grey, a wizard learns of the Ring's history and advises Frodo to take the Ring away from the Shire, before it will bring misfortune to Shire. He and his company encounter the Ringwraiths whilst still in the Shire, the destroyer sent by the Dark Lord Sauron.

3. Helpers/Amulet:

In Frodo case :
Helper are -
Samwise Gamgee (Sam) his friend, 2 cousions Meriado Brandybuck (Merry) and Peregin Too (Pippin) to help him,
Gandalf the Grey - a wizard (Merlin-like character - who is the hero's mentor/Supernatural aid)
Tom Bombadil - enigmatic and powerful, who aided Frodo and company
Aragorn "Strider" - guide and protector,
Elrond, master of Rivendell - rescued Frodo and company by creating and controlled a flood waters to rise up and sweeped the Ringwraiths away.
Along the journey Frodo, have more helpers coming to aid him.

4. Hero crossing of the first threshold/Belly of the Whale (final separation from the hero's known world and self. In this stage, hero shows willingness to undergo the change.

Frodo was hurt but recovers under the care of Elrond. The Council of Elrond knows much of the history about The Dark Lord Sauron and the Ring, the harm that it may brings if not destroy by returning it to the Cracks of Doom in Mordor (the mission). Frodo the hero, volunteers to take the Ring and a "Fellowship of the Ring" is chosen to accompany and protect him (More helpers).

(to be continued next post - Initiation)

Friday, June 4, 2010

MONOMYTH - Joseph Campbell

Who is Joseph Campbell?
He was a student of the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.
His term of Monomyth also referred as the hero's journery, which he also refer that his study of world myths is that THEY ARE ALL
BASICALLY THE SAME STORY -- retold endlessly in infinite variation.

He discovered that all story-telling, consciously or not, follows the ancient patterns of myth. There were always charecters of the young hero, the wise old man, the shape-shifting woman, and the shadowy nemesis, are identical with the archetypes of the human mind, as shown in dreams. That's why myths, and stories constructed on the mythological model, are always psychologically true.

Such stories are true models of the workings of the human mind, true maps of the psyche. They are psychologically valid and realistic even when they portray fantastic, impossible, unreal events.

This accounts for the universal power of such stories. Stories built on the model of THE HERO OF A THOUSAND FACES have an appeal that can be felt by everyone, because they spring from a universal source in the collective unconscious, and because they reflect universal concerns. They deal with universal questions like "Why was I born?" "What happens when I die?" "How can I overcome my life problems and be happy?"

No doubt, he has describes 17 stages, but not all myths contain these stages. Anyway, these 17 stages he organised into 3 sections: Departure/Separation, initiatin and return.
Departure - the hero's adventure after receiving the quest,
Initiation - the many adventure of the hero,
Return - hero return home with the knowledge and power acquired on the journey.

(to be continued - my further study on associating J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings to Joseph Campbell's Monomyth - hero's journey)