Useful learning question from the floor:
Can we un write our script?
Nope, we can only re-construct and create but we can’t un write sometime that is already there.
Will people find us eccentric?
In the role that was given to you, eccentric is part and parcel of who and what we are, because we can be flexible and at the same time we can be silly. We got the role flexibility that can be silly when we chose to be and can be serious when we chose to be that means by self-possession.
(Like at the workshop, Alex asked us to act in the Magical Room, acted out the behaviour which was not us, I acted a swaying movement, talked also different – the above question also popped up in me, will people see me as CRAZY)
Our role do not determine us, we are in procession of the role we play. Wherelse if the role is in possession of us, unaware, then we are the prisoner of the role to that script.
We can’t un write but we can re-create all the time – new roles and new experiences. When re-create the new role we will experience the new roles – means it challenging you. For example, when we are at that time, depressed, the only role to play is to be in depress, so people see us as depressed and label us - Depressed – anticipate us as depressed, therefore we played our role.
Good summary... breathe life into it....let it come alive