We should have use the SKYPE to do the chatting, rather than being so adventures and daring to use Chatango, I apologised to those who felt that way. Anyhow, I will try to help Elaine in order to connect to it.
Shaylee started here:
Oh er..r...r.., what a beautiful day...... smell fresh too...
(Like always, I wanted the day to be beautiful and fresh - even I have to attend to a rude doctor today with a smiling face - I wiped that out and put in a beautiful day - why must I put a beutiful day and not a bad/stormy/day?)
Crest - i am scare what it all that smoke......
This happen when Shaylee saw "Shapeshifer" entry, she got a shock to see it in and trying to picture the role coming in a smoke. Scare = still have the feeling of the teacher and the student complex.
I must cling to Crest cape, that will make me comfortable. Fidget: why are you crying, do you want my handky.?
Everytime when in a new surrounding I am always get uneasy, confuse and I need something to hold me to the ground, that is part of me. That is why, automatically Shaylee reached for the cape to give me the shield, protection and the security.
Exodusor : Why are you standing there? I am sure you have some wise thought to help too.
Shaylee felt uncomfortable to know that Exodusor was stand out of the group, like always I like to bring ppl into the group, to make them feel welcome.
Exodusor: Yeah I quite like to day dream, so sorry if I assume that you from then.
Exodusor: Sorry if I am mistaken, beause I saw you angryly mumbling away.
I do not know why Shaylee apologised, maybe in realtime it is my natural, I do not like to offend people or make people get angry, I will feels very bad if I know that I have done something wrong to them. Can anyone help to decode this......?
Despite that we set the protocol, and yet the senerio in the Chatango land was very confusing, every character tries to talk at once, Shaylee was like running round and round to look at people who is talking. Suddenly,she thought that Skysaver was not in and suddenly he was there. Fidget was very fast, Shaylee need to run to keep up with her storyline. Shaylee do not know why that she have to cling on to Crestmaiden.
Shaylee knows that everybody is friendly, except for Exodusor he was so cold, that is why she tries very hard to melt his heart. (I need ppl to help me to look through this reflection. help).... confuse.

skysaver forgot to online the skype last night. Just sign in and try to use Chatango. skysaver only noticed after she get a rest on Chatango, it was already 9.30pm.
ReplyDeleteHi Melinda, thank you for making effort to help setting up the chatango in the last seconds. We have tried our best in trying to do our parts and we are all learning how to manage with it...It is not your fault at all that this Unexpected incident happen.
ReplyDeleteDECODING your thoughts about Shaylee being apologetic: emm..not sure how to decode, but it sounds to me that you also experience it in your life that you are not comfortable with things going wrong as you mentioned it...It seems like you seem to take the responsibility onto yourself. Probably it could help if you think about what will you gain/loose if you apologize/ not apologize OR How do you interpret such responses? Me no expert, but just some thoughts...hope it make sense, though.
I would be very suprised if there was no confusion, it would not be 'normal' ....... it is the beginning of any group process oir dynamics when the group is left free to develop itself and evolves its own pattern of relating. This is utlised in groupwork to understand the dynamics of group development and provides us with the opportunity when we are put into such a situation what adaptive patterns is exhibited in reaction to the anxiety, that such unpredictable circumstances generate, our defense mechanism that we as individuals resort to in dealing with it, our regressive patterns as well as residue patterns will be manifesting itself thus offers us insight and the oppotunity to consider the functions of such archaic patterns and develop more mature and growth enhancing ones.
ReplyDeleteTo put it simply ask what generates the anxiety in me and what patterns can I see I use to deal with the anxiety generated.